Friday, March 30, 2012

Gloucester's Unicorn

I saw the army approaching from the hillside south. I was
with the troops coming from the northy side of my present
state. I was the only one between the two. Mine hadn't
approached as of yet...probably just finishing tea as I speak.
I tried to lay a few traps the night before for the front to deal
with. But I recently rose from a noxious slumber. My
memory often fails me; did I finish last night? My head was
throbbing as a sleep dazed unicorn/horn pierce. Standing
my shoes on top of each other, I realized I needed to pee,
real bad. I daydreamed as the unsteady flow mocked me.
I could hear the glass crumbling from behind me.
Screaming in agony/tears of onion milk and vinegar.
The field was ripe.
Daisy leach pods, cram apple part cakes, florid rotten
bumblebee bacon strips, candied tomatoes, and rice pudding
sleep caps. I stood watching 'all of this' from the middle of
the field. Generals screamed around me with clasps and
rasps: turning bastards into sons.
A few men were approaching me rather quickly. I was
astonished at their tenacity and bravery. One of them hit
the ribble necked green sleever steam steak; his slippery
blood creating a wonderful slide/toy for the farmer of this
field. Second of them leaped into the circle I had created for
my self to sit in...

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